Marloes Biessen

Vossiusstraat 50h, 1071 AK Amsterdam, Nederland




My name is Marloes Biessen, I am a calm, open and committed person. My clients soon have a special place in my heart. I am someone who listens without judgment, with a tremendous drive to help people.

Before discovering PRI, I had a lot of experience in healthcare. I am a mental health educator and forensic remedial educator and have experience in inpatient and forensic psychiatry.

As an orthopedagogue, I have an affinity for young people who encounter various problems such as anxiety, stress-related complaints, low self-esteem and depressive symptoms.

I work with great passion as a PRI therapist and am happy to teach you the PRI tools so that you can work with them yourself. I stand for equality and connect with you and your story. Only you know what you have been through and what you are up against. In addition, I like to shine light on your talents, I like to let you rediscover where your strengths lie and what makes you happy.

If this appeals to you, please take a look at my website.

Praktische informatie

Member Anorexia Expert Team

Lid Anorexia Expert Team


Relatie Therapeut




Waiting time




Door een PRI-therapeut te contacteren via deze PRI-website heeft u de garantie dat u gekozen hebt voor een officiëel opgeleide PRI-therapeut (i.o., basis of gecertificeerd). Ook zijn alle therapeuten aangesloten bij de PRI-beroepsorganisatie. Een therapeut die zich PRI-therapeut noemt maar niet voorkomt op deze PRI website is dus géén PRI-therapeut.