Ethical code Ethical code

Introduction Introduction

The purpose of the Code of Ethics for PRI therapists is to guarantee and standardize the professionalism of PRI therapists and to serve as a guideline for professional functioning during a therapy process.

The Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists provides PRI therapists with ample starting points and guidelines to act responsibly in virtually all situations in which they may find themselves in the course of their profession, with the main aim of promoting well-being and safety of the patient. people they work with. In the event of a violation of the Code, PRI-International may, on the advice of the PRI Complaints Committee, impose a penalty or suspension.
However, the question of whether or not someone is breaking the law can never be answered on the basis of this Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists. The Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists does not protect the PRI Therapist from legal action if this therapist strictly adheres to its letter, any more than a person is legally punishable for violating the Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists alone can be stated.
Complying with or violating this Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists, on the other hand, can be used as an argument in legal proceedings and, depending on the circumstances, can be taken into account as an exculpatory or burdensome factor in the legal judgment.

The PRI therapist is obliged to behave as a good therapist in the broadest sense and to observe the laws and standards and values ​​applicable in the Netherlands.

In the event of a violation of the Code of Ethics, a client of a PRI therapist or an interested party of a client can contact the Complaints Committee of the Stichting PRI Instituut Nederland, hereinafter referred to as Stichting PRIINL. The Complaints Committee of the PRIINL Foundation will then start a complaints procedure. This procedure is described in more detail in the PRI Complaints Regulations.
The PRI therapist will cooperate in the settlement of complaints brought against him and provide all necessary information to the Complaints Committee for settlement.

Explanation of terms: Explanation of terms:

PRI-therapist: a PRI therapist trained by Ingeborg Bosch, or someone authorized by her (either certified or IO), also a member of the Stichting PRI Instituut Nederland, who is registered as such in the PRI -therapist register on the website:

Professional action: all actions that the PRI therapist performs when he acts in his function of or presents himself as a PRI therapist.

The client: the person with whom the PRI therapist enters into, maintains or has maintained a therapeutic process.

Colleague: another therapist trained by PRI-International who is registered as such in the therapist register on the website:

The therapeutic process/treatment: the agreement between PRI therapist and client which is entered into by submitting an application form and entering into a treatment agreement.

PRI-International: Ingeborg Bosch living in France, trading under the name PRI-International.


Principles of the Ethical code for PRI Therapists: Principles of the Ethical code for PRI Therapists:

The PRI therapist will not prescribe or coercively advise the client. The PRI therapist will make the client aware of his own responsibility for making choices and will respect these choices.

Statement: Statement:

Every PRI therapist listed on the PRI-International website hereby declares to voluntarily and fully adhere to the Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists listed below.

The Code of Ethics for PRI Therapists has four paragraphs:

  1. Respect
  2. Integrity
  3. Responsibility
  4. Professionalism

§ 1 Respect § 1 Respect

Respect refers to recognizing and respecting values ​​in general and one’s personal and human dignity in particular. A PRI therapist expresses this by complying with the following rules of conduct:

1.1 The PRI therapist approaches and treats every person as completely equal. He does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, origin, social status, political opinion, marital status, creed or any other distinction.

1.2The PRI therapist recognizes and promotes everyone’s right to freely make choices, develop and determine their own life course. In particular, the client’s self-determination is expressed in the right to enter into, continue or terminate the therapeutic treatment with the PRI therapist or not.

1.3The PRI therapist gives his client the space to make his own decisions and to make changes in decisions made earlier, taking into account his own standards, values, priorities and philosophy. The PRI therapist will not prescribe or coercively advise the client.

1.4 The PRI therapist takes into account the developmental level, the possibilities and needs of the client (physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual), is never condescending, indifferent or admiring about this.

1.5 The PRI therapist stands up for the interests of the client, but also takes into account the interests of others, in the broadest sense of the word. He will not participate in matters that may cause harm to individuals, groups, organizations, society, or other matters deserving of respect.

1.6 The PRI therapist recognizes that he has special responsibility for standing up for the rights and human dignity of his client when he is in a vulnerable or dependent position, without being able to stand up for himself.

1.7 1.7 The PRI therapist is obliged to observe secrecy with regard to everything that is entrusted to him as a secret when exercising his profession in the field of individual health care, or what has come to his knowledge as secret or what came to his knowledge and the confidential nature of which he had to understand. The secrecy continues after the therapeutic process has ended. The PRI therapist is only entitled to share information with fellow PRI therapists and with the client’s general practitioner after written permission from the client. For the provision of data to other persons, the explicit written consent of the client is again required. Breach of professional secrecy can only take place if there is: the client’s explicit consent, a statutory regulation to that effect, a court order, and in the event of a conflict of duties, ie in an emergency situation where the preservation of professional secrecy for the patient or for another serious harm or danger (for example in the case of child abuse or danger to life). If necessary, the PRI therapist must inform the client of the breach of professional secrecy. In all other cases, the PRI therapist can and must invoke the exercise of professional secrecy and non-disclosure insofar as legally possible.

1.8 The PRI therapist is released from his duty of confidentiality to the extent necessary in the context of his defence in a complaint or legal proceedings instituted by the client against the PRI therapist.

§ 2 Integrity § 2 Integrity

A PRI therapist must not only be able to build a relationship of trust with a client, but he must also maintain this relationship of trust. This is only possible as long as the client knows and experiences that the PRI therapist has integrity. But that is not the only reason why integrity is one of the most important qualities a PRI therapist must possess. The integrity of each PRI therapist individually is important for all PRI therapists in the profession together, as the social image of one PRI therapist who lacks integrity can harm all others. A PRI therapist demonstrates integrity by observing the following rules of conduct both during and outside his profession:

2.1 The PRI therapist is honest, reliable and sincere.

2.2 The PRI therapist does not engage in practices that violate the law or generally accepted rules of decency.

2.3 The PRI therapist treats all information about the client in confidence that he has received directly, indirectly or from any other source, and indemnifies the client against misuse and unauthorized disclosure of this data.

2.4 The PRI therapist does not abuse situations, circumstances or knowledge in which the client is dependent on him, neither to benefit himself or other relations nor to disadvantage the client or relations of the client.

§ 3 Responsibility § 3 Responsibility

By entering into a therapeutic relationship, a PRI therapist assumes an obligation that not only appeals to his sense of responsibility but which also has repercussions on society in general and all those involved in the therapy process in particular. A PRI therapist proves that he provides the PRI therapy in a responsible manner by adhering to the following rules of conduct:

3.1 The PRI therapist recognizes the authority inherent in his position and realizes that he is both consciously (by giving directives /suggestions) if unconsciously (through approving or disapproving actions) can exert great influence on the client and possibly also on third parties. Therefore, he is thoughtful in his actions and careful in making statements.

3.2 The PRI therapist knows both the limitations of his profession and the limits of his personal competencies and ensures that he does not exceed either of them.

3.3 The PRI therapist is prepared to discuss the professional ethical aspects of his own actions among colleagues. This also means: fully cooperate in justifying professional actions and testing this by the competent PRI Complaints Committee.

3.4 The PRI therapist is responsible for the continuity of the client’s therapeutic treatment. If necessary, he ensures an adequate transfer so that one of his colleagues can take over or complete the work.

3.5 The PRI therapist ensures that the client’s file is always updated in such a way that in the event of an unforeseen absence on his part, a colleague can continue the therapeutic treatment. The file contains all data that is relevant for the quality and continuity of the therapeutic treatment. The client or his legal representative may, upon written request, have access to his file. The personal work notes of the PRI therapist and the information provided by persons who, with the client’s consent, are involved in his treatment are not subject to the right of access. The right of inspection is exercised in the presence of the PRI therapist. He offers to provide text and explanation. If the PRI therapist is of the opinion that taking cognizance of the client’s functioning may be detrimental to the client and on that basis advises the client not to make use of the right of inspection, the client can only exercise this right after he has stated in writing of this. advice to be informed.

3.6 The PRI therapist applies the rules with regard to the retention period and treatment of personal data as laid down in the Personal Data Protection Act.

3.7 3.7 The PRI-therapist will destroy the documents he has kept within one year and one month after the client has submitted a written request to that effect unless it concerns documents of which it is reasonable to assume that the safekeeping is of considerable importance to someone other than the client, or for the PRI therapist in the context of a complaint submitted by the client, as well as insofar as the provisions of or pursuant to the law preclude destruction.

3.8 The personal documents submitted by the client can, as long as the file has not been destroyed, be requested back by him by means of a written request. The PRI therapist will grant this request unless it concerns documents of which it is reasonably plausible that storage is of significant and legitimate interest for someone other than the client.

3.9 All written requests and authorizations provided by the client are kept in the file.

3.10 The PRI therapist always keeps in mind the development and best interests of the client as a whole, and will not do anything that could lead to an unbalanced development.

3.11 The PRI therapist does not make the fulfilment of his own emotional and/or other needs dependent on the relationship with a client.

3.12 The PRI therapist respects the psychological and physical integrity of the client. He does not penetrate the client’s private life any further than is necessary for the purpose of the therapeutic treatment.

3.13 The PRI therapist refrains from any form of sexual intimidation and rapprochement and does not respond to sexually explicit statements or advances from the client. He does not enter into a sexual or other intimate relationship with a client during the therapeutic relationship, as well as for a period of at least one year after the termination of the therapeutic relationship. If the PRI therapist and the client enter into a sexual or intimate relationship after the aforementioned period of one year after the termination of the therapeutic relationship, then the PRI therapist must be able to demonstrate that, when entering into this relationship, he has exercised all due care that may be expected of a PRI therapist. In particular, the PRI therapist makes sure that the previous therapeutic treatment no longer has disproportionate significance.

§ 4 Professionalism § 4 Professionalism

The PRI therapist works professionally, among other things by adhering to the following rules of conduct: 

4.1 The PRI therapist keeps his private life and work strictly separate from each other.

4.2 The PRI therapist engages in self-reflection and applies the PRI method himself in order to continue to function optimally. 

4.3The PRI therapist keeps abreast of developments and is open to new insights, for example by following refresher courses and continuing education and by participating in practice, inter-and supervision meetings. 

4.4 The PRI therapist has professional liability insurance or has otherwise ensured that any damages for which he is liable as a PRI therapist are reasonably covered. 

4.5 The PRI therapist informs the client and/or other parties involved (for example, the paying agent in the case of PRI coaching) on ​​request and without hesitation, of what training, experience and qualifications he has. To this end, he has a curriculum vitae available that he keeps up to date. 

4.6 The PRI therapist makes a distinction between a therapeutic relationship and other forms of relationship, such as a friendship relationship and a business relationship, and does not allow a conflict of interest to arise. 

4.7 The PRI therapist will not accept gifts from the client that exceed an amount of approximately €30. This also applies to services that are normally paid for. The PRI therapist also does not give gifts or provide services for which the client is normally paid. 

4.8 The PRI therapist is collegial towards other PRI therapists and is willing to contribute to the continued professionalization of PRI in general, scientific research and the optimization of the vision and mission (see website). Deviating from the Ethical code: 
In principle, no PRI therapist is authorized to deviate from this Ethical code. If a PRI therapist is of the opinion that a special situation arises, and deviation, in that case, should reasonably be possible, he will contact PRI-International. Deviation from the Code is only permitted after prior consultation and approval from PRI-International.