by Ingeborg Bosch by Ingeborg Bosch

How to find each other (back) and not lose each other (again) How to find each other (back) and not lose each other (again)

Having a good relationship with your partner is one of the most important things in life Having a good relationship with your partner is one of the most important things in life

At the beginning of a love relationship, there is usual a lot of hope and trust that you will be very happy together. Yet in many relationships patterns eventually arise that cover the love you initially felt for each other: conflicts, little sharing, moderate intimacy or living together under one roof without real contact.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to stay that way. And….breaking those patterns isn’t even as hard as you might think!

During a PRI Relationship Intensive, you get the tools to discover the full potential of your relationship. Together you will learn to strengthen your foundations of trust, empathy and understanding, so that your love can develop further and your joy of life can flow again.

Uncover your love for each other Uncover your love for each other

PRI Relationship Intensive PRI Relationship Intensive

You follow the PRI Relationship Intensive in a group of four couples in the beautiful surroundings of the Drôme in southern France. You stay, cook and eat together in a beautiful villa, each couple with their own room and bathroom. Experience shows that this being together, working with multiple couples has a hugely positive effect on the process and result for each couple.

Even if there may be some hesitation in the beginning…..

Of course, you are free to share only what you want in the group. The exercises will be done with your own partner. There is no explicit PRI work, as done in a PRI process. What you get in the PRI Relationship Intensive is the following:

  • Four days of guidance from Ingeborg Bosch in a group, supported by two PRI therapists.
  • On Wednesday practice independently applying what has been learned up to that point.
  • de PRI-relatietherapeuten begeleiden jullie die dag met de oefeningen en bieden indien nodig extra ondersteuning. Insight into what goes well and what you struggle with.
  • Insight into how the past influences the present in your relationship, and how this translates into your daily dealings.
  • Practical tools to apply on a daily basis.
  • Follow-up: action plan to be able to continue the work at home together.

Data 2024 Data 2024

By arrangement

Location Location

Drôme (26) South of France. (1 hour from Lyon airport, 20min. from TGV station Valence, 1000km from Utrecht).

It is also possible to do the relationship intensive online

Price indication Price indication

€3,100.00 (rate 2025) per couple.

Accommodation Vincenti €450 per couple.

Travel costs are not included. Travel can be arranged by yourself.

Registration Registration

You can sign up or request information by emailing your name and phone number using the sign up button. 

Would you prefer to contact a therapist first? That is also possible! 

Important information Important information

  • Om mee te doen aan de relatie-intensive is het noodzakelijk dat inieder geval één van beide partners al enkele boeken heeft gelezenen (minimaal) enkele individuele sessies bij een PRI-therapeut volgt of heeft gevolgd.

  • Een mooie voorbereiding op de Relatie Intensive is om het boek‘Onze Liefde’ alvast te lezen. 

  • Als het een onoverkomelijke barrière is om in een groep te werken,maar je wil toch graag een Relatie Intensive doen, dan is het (zeer beperkt) mogelijk om een Individuele Relatie Intensive te volgen bij Ingeborg Bosch. Deze bestaat uit 5 gezamenlijke sessies van anderhalf uur, verspreid over 5 dagen. In verhouding tot de Relatie Intensive zijn er dus beduidend minder contacturen, en is er minder diepgang in het proces mogelijk. De kosten hiervoor zijn €3.240,00 per stel (tarief 2023, 0% BTW/TVA).