Personal growth
and past reality integration
Personal growth
and past reality integration

Untangle your emotions and live fully

Expanding your awareness with Past Reality Integration

Do you want to develop yourself emotionally? Gain deeper insights into your
behavior and unravel the origins of your emotions?
PRI is the way to expand your awareness.

Past Reality Integration (PRI) assumes that as adults we often see the world
through the lens of the defense mechanisms we had to develop as children

These defense mechanisms keep us from feeling the pain we experienced as children
. However, it is these defense mechanisms that make us suffer the most as adults
because they so greatly distort our perception of the present.

By working with PRI I developed myself from a bottomless pit full of the need for recognition to an unexpected and all-fulfilling feeling of happiness By working with PRI I developed myself from a bottomless pit full of the need for recognition to an unexpected and all-fulfilling feeling of happiness

Getting started with Past reality Integration (PRI) yourself right away?

In the Online Course, you learn directly from Ingeborg Bosch how to apply PRI.

The way (back) to reconnect with yourself

The goal of working with Past reality Integration (PRI) is to become increasingly “defenseless” in life.
Even if defenses are still activated, we will recognize them more and more quickly ourselves and be able to dismantle them so that we eliminate their destructive effect on our daily lives.

Then we can experience the present for what it really is:
usually surprisingly unencumbered.

How can Past Reality Integration (PRI) help you with Personal Growth?

With the help of PRI, you will work on daily situations in which you want to discover how the unconscious directs your behaviour and emotions. Together with your therapist, you determine the theme on which you want to develop, you will observe yourself and your behaviour on this.

Then you will discover what old, repressed painful feelings lie beneath. In doing so,
you step by step detach your past from the present.

You will begin to experience that your defense behavior will begin to lose its function the moment you can allow the old

Door PRI toe te passen is er op een diepe laag iets veranderd, waardoor de verandering in mijn patronen niet zo veel moeite meer kost. I don’t have to maintain a change in willpower and perseverance.