Mareike Brian | Nijmegen

Voorstadslaan 341, 6542 TB Nijmegen, Nederland



My adventurous, inquisitive attitude and persistence has taken me the furthest in my life.

The adventure begins when I can make my own choices: So I become an au pair in Paris, a student in Groningen, find a partner in Turkey and have children in Zimbabwe.

Back in Holland with our family, the phase of house-boompje-beestje begins.

After some time, this takes a turn for the worse, I feel a lack, which leads to a crisis. Thus begins a new inquiry: the search within.

I find that my analytical mindset, which led to studying mathematics and computer science, is beginning to creak at the seams. Something is missing but what?

My persistence and inquisitive attitude brings me to PRI through a variety of spiritual avenues.

There the pennies fell into place, now I understand my struggles and blockages. And the great thing is: they almost disappeared!

I wish that for everyone and as soon as possible. The younger you free yourself from blockages, the longer you will enjoy them.

With my analytical mindset and the PRI tools, I can also track down your blockages, interpret them and ….alsnow disappear.

Praktische informatie

Member Anorexia Expert Team

Lid Anorexia Expert Team


Relatie Therapeut




Waiting time




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