My name is Adelheid Dolmans. I have worked at the court, at
victim assistance, as a family mediator and mediator, as a walking coach
and as funeral director. In my work, I have moved incrementally from the
head to heart. I learned to use both head and heart:
focused from the head, but also warm-hearted and engaged from
the heart.
o As a PRI therapist, I help everyone, especially parents,
partners, caregivers, social workers and teachers, who work with
wants to work on himself. Each one who dares to go within himself
watch. We do not suffer emotionally the most from what is outside of us
happens, but how we deal with it as adults. This road
Inside I went myself. The PRI method has helped me with this
helped. The yield is great. From mother and caregiver “for
the other” I am now there “for myself as well as for the other. And that feels in
balance. I grant you that, too.
o I love connecting people and at the same time
bring every person to their full potential. Exploring together, together
untangling the knot – of what is now and what was as a child. You
help integrate the PRI method, toward a light and relaxed
life. People say I do my work carefully and respectfully,
with peace and warmth.