Wouter Klijn | Overveen

Duinlustweg 16, 2051 AA Overveen, Nederland


+31 (0)6 53 26 70 70


I came into contact with PRI after my divorce in 2012. After first doing a course myself, I started training as a PRI therapist in 2015. This is because I have personally experienced what a powerful and beautiful tool PRI is and what it gives you when you really work with your defenses.

Because of my experience of more than 20 years in business, I have a great affinity for people who encounter problems in their work. People who have issues in their relationship and/or family can also come to me.

I like to support these clients with regaining the beacon within themselves and who, as a result, can once again live and work from their own strengths.

Praktische informatie

Member Anorexia Expert Team

Lid Anorexia Expert Team


Relatie Therapeut




Waiting time



Nl, And

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